Investigation of the effect of sports on media, marketing, consumption and popular culture




Sports, popular culture, media, consumption, marketing


Reasearch problem/aim: In this study, it was aimed to evaluate them under the titles of the sports sector (media,   consumption, marketing) by mentioning primarily popular culture and sports issues.  Method: In this study, a descriptive research model, which is used to investigate the events as they are, trying to determine the situation that happened, investigating the events and situations discussed in detail and examining their relationship. Findings: The notion that sports is one of the building blocks of popular culture, and as a result of its action, the media sheds considerable light on consumption and marketing. The popular culture field, which started to develop as a field of study on its own, has become important by societies in the world and scientific studies on this subject have increased rapidly. Especially the innovations brought by popular culture in the world and the rapidly increasing interest in sports, media, marketing and consumer products have made this issue more up-to-date. Today, most of the sources explain that popular culture is under the influence of the media and that sports, marketing and consumption provide access to more people. Especially, social media, which enters our homes and becomes the most important part of our daily life, is extremely important in creating and conveying these topics (sports, marketing, consumption). In this context, the relationship between popular culture, media, consumption and marketing in sports and their roles among each other was discussed as a result of the extensive literature review. Conclusion: it is seen that sports have an effect on popular culture products on media, marketing and consumption.


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Author Biographies

İbrahim İhsan Arıkan, Siirt University

Res. Assist., Ph.D., Siirt University, High School Of Physical Education And Sports

Summani Ekici, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Prof. Dr., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Sport Sciences

Varol Tutal, Siirt University

Ph.D., Lec., Siirt University, High School Of Physical Education And Sports


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How to Cite

Arıkan, İbrahim İhsan, Ekici, S. ., & Tutal, V. . (2021). Investigation of the effect of sports on media, marketing, consumption and popular culture. Journal of Human Sciences, 18(4), 644–656.



Physical Education and Sport Sciences