The comparasion of music teacher candidates’ instrument test grades and instrument sight reading grades in talent exam with individual instrument exam grades during four-years education period




Talent Exam, Instrument Sight Reading, Individual Instrument


 Every year Music education programs of the education Faculties, select students through out a talent test. This study aims to compare the instrument test grades and instrument sight reading grades at the talent test with individual instrument test grades of the students of Education Faculty Fine Arts Education Branch Music Education department. At the same time, the study aims to compare the instrument test grades and instrument sight reading grades at the talent test with individual instrument test grades of the students at first, second, third and fourth calass according to the high schools that students graduated. This research is important bescause of showing the 4 year progress of the students from the point of individual instrument playing; at the same time it is important for showing the progress of Fine Arts High School graduates and other high school graduates, and the difference between two groups.  In this research relational search method will be used. The sample of the study consists of 176 student who became successfull at the talent exams in 2012, 2013, 2014 ve 2015 and registered to the Education Faculty Fine Arts Education Branch Music Education department of a University located in Black Sea Reagion. The data of the research is obtained by the approval of the deanship of the Faculty. The data will be analysed with a statistical analyse program which is used for the social sciences. As the result of the study the progress and the difference of the instrument playing and instrument sight reading scores will be shown as tables and will be commented.


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Author Biography

Meltem Erol Düzbastılar, Karadeniz Technical University



Asist. Prof. Dr. ; Karadeniz Technical University; Faculty of Education; Departman of fine Arts Music Teaching Program;  Trabzon -  Turkey


Ph. D., Music Education (2007) Gazi University, Ankara TURKEY

Master, Music Education (2001) Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu TURKEY

License, Music Education (1998) Gazi University, Ankara TURKEY


Assistant Profesor, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon,  TURKEY, 2007/Present

Research Assistant, Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY, 2002/2007

Lecturer, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon,  TURKEY, 2000/2002

Music Teacher, Boğazlıyan Highschool and Ahmet Yörükoğlu Elementary School, Boğazlıyan, YOZGAT, 1999/2000


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How to Cite

Erol Düzbastılar, M. (2020). The comparasion of music teacher candidates’ instrument test grades and instrument sight reading grades in talent exam with individual instrument exam grades during four-years education period. Journal of Human Sciences, 17(1), 315–323.


