Evaluation of dietary magnesium intake and Its association with depression, anxiety and eating behaviors?



magnesium, depression, anxiety, eating behaviors


Research problem/Aim: Magnesium is an essential mineral for the organism. Magnesium which is necessary for the ability of more than three hundred enzymes to function found to be associated with many diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the intake of dietary Magnesium in university students and to define its relationship with depressive symptoms, anxiety and eating behaviors. Method: This study included 386 university students who were not diagnosed with any psychiatric disorder and were not using magnesium-containing nutritional supplements. A questionnaire of 6 sections including the general characteristics of participants like age, smoking, income status, Beck Depression Scale, Beck Anxiety Scale, 24-hour retrospective food consumption form, physical activity record form and Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire were applied face to face and anthropometric measurements were obtained. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS IBM© version 23. Findings: The average magnesium intake of participants in inadequate Mg intake group was 175,5±47,6 mg/day, and 353,4±107,23 mg/day in adequate Mg group. Dietary Mg intake was evaluated according to Turkey Food and Nutrition Guide. It was determined that Mg intake of inadequate Mg group were met only 48,2±12,09% of the requirement. The factors such as smoking, BMI and fiber intake were found different into groups (p <0.05). It was concluded that inadequate Mg intake was not a risk factor for depression (OR: 1.035, 95% CI: 0,543-1,975, p = 0.916).  Anxiety, restricting eating and emotional behaviors had no relationship with dietary Mg intake (p>0.05), but external eating behavior scores was found to be related with Mg intake (r=0,110; p<0,05). Conclusions: According to this research, there is no relationship between adequate Mg intake and depression, anxiety and eating behaviors but further research is needed. [Abstract Text must be 12pt, Garamond, adjusted, single line space, at least 150 words. Proper translate from local language on the right column. If the study is a field research, all parts (see header-C below) of work must be mentioned here in abstract section.


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Author Biographies

Nagihan Kırcalı Haznedar, Hacettepe University

She graduated from Ege University at 2015, had a master degree at Hacettepe University in 2018. Still, she is a research assistant at Hacettepe University.

Pelin Bilgiç, Hacettepe University

She graduated from Hacettepe University in 2002 and had a master degree at 2003. She had her PhD from Hacettepe University at 2009. Still, she is an assistant professor at Hacettepe University.


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How to Cite

Haznedar, N. K., & Bilgiç, P. (2019). Evaluation of dietary magnesium intake and Its association with depression, anxiety and eating behaviors?. Journal of Human Sciences, 16(1), 345–354. Retrieved from https://www.j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/5664



Human Nutrition