School principals' opinions about management upon values



Management upon values, school principals, content analysis


Management upon value is to consolidate occupations around common values so that managers are aware of the individual values of the occupations and act effectively and efficiently in the direction of their organization. It is envisaged that the managers will create a system of common values, without emphasizing individual values, to develop the motivation and skills of the organizational workshops. The purpose of this research is to determine the opinions of the principals working in public elementary, secondary and high school levels affiliated to Denizli province Merkezefendi and Pamukkale districts about the topic management by values. In this qualitative research in the case study, a structured interview technique was used and the questions developed by the researchers were asked to the school principals. The working group consists of 10 school principals working in the public primary, secondary and high school levels affiliated to the Denizli Provincial Directorate and Pamukkale District National Education Directorates. In the analysis of the data, descriptive and content analysis techniques were used together. The data transferred to the article were edited, the themes were created from the encoded data, and the findings were defined and interpreted. The school principals interviewed indicated that it would be an effective way to act jointly by providing consensus on the way in which the management style can be built with values and this management style; employees will be able to help themselves to the company, to be happy at work, and to work more effectively and efficiently.


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Author Biographies

Gizem Hatipoglu, Dokuz Eylul University

PhD Student, Pamukkale University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences

Türkay Nuri Tok, Izmir Demokrasi University

Assoc. Professor, Izmir Democracy University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences


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How to Cite

Hatipoglu, G., & Tok, T. N. (2018). School principals’ opinions about management upon values. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(4), 2341–2356. Retrieved from



Educational Administration and Management