Mobbing among healthcare workers: A review of research findings and methods of struggling




Mobbing, bullying, health care sector, occupational health and safety


Healthcare institutions are organizations with a complex structure where there is a high work stress and it is of utmost importance that services are provided without errors in this complexity.

Nowadays, when the hospital management becomes increasingly complex, hospital managers are in a position that influences the success of the hospitals the most. While this situation necessitates the managers to use their time in a more rational and efficient manner, giving a senseless workload to the managers would surely negatively affect the individual and organizational productivity (Karsavuran, 2014).

In other words, exposure of the healthcare professionals to mobbing in the professional life causes depressive symptoms to arise, this situation leading to the individual negatively evaluating the quality of his life. As a result, decrease in the job satisfaction of the individual, low performance and reluctance towards the job occur (Yavuzer and Civilidag, 2014).  

Therefore, it is proposed to clarify the arrangements that prevent managers from applying psychological abuse to their subordinates when determining the superior-subordinate relationships (Yıldız et al., 2013).

In this study the titles will include definition of mobbing in health sector, results of mobbing.


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Author Biographies

Aylin Aydın Sayılan, Kırklareli University

Asisstant Professor, Kirklareli University, Health School, Nursing Department

Aykut Aydın, Kırklareli University

Research Asisstant, Kirklareli University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Faculty, Department


Healthcare institutions are organizations with a complex structure where there is a high work stress and it is of utmost importance that services are provided without errors in this complexity.

Nowadays, when the hospital management becomes increasingly complex, hospital managers are in a position that influences the success of the hospitals the most. While this situation necessitates the managers to use their time in a more rational and efficient manner, giving a senseless workload to the managers would surely negatively affect the individual and organizational productivity (Karsavuran, 2014).

In other words, exposure of the healthcare professionals to mobbing in the professional life causes depressive symptoms to arise, this situation leading to the individual negatively evaluating the quality of his life. As a result, decrease in the job satisfaction of the individual, low performance and reluctance towards the job occur (Yavuzer and Civilidag, 2014).

Therefore, it is proposed to clarify the arrangements that prevent managers from applying psychological abuse to their subordinates when determining the superior-subordinate relationships (Yıldız et al., 2013).

In this study the titles will include definition of mobbing in health sector, results of mobbing.




How to Cite

Aydın Sayılan, A., & Aydın, A. (2020). Mobbing among healthcare workers: A review of research findings and methods of struggling. Journal of Human Sciences, 17(1), 185–193.



Social Work