Child sexual abuse: The relationship between the type of abuse and the risk factors


  • Sezer Ayan Cumhuriyet University
  • Veda Bilican Gökkaya Cumhuriyet University


Child sexual abuse, risk factors, types of sexual abuse


Aim: The objective is to determine whether there is a relationship between the type of abuse and the risk factors. Method: The population of the study consists of 39 sexually abused children. The questionnaire form consisting of 40 questions related to the children’s socio-demographic characteristics and family structures, the type and frequency of sexual abuse, and the identity of abuser was filled in based on the file information of sexually abused victims brought to the Children’s Branch of Sivas Security Directorate. Conclusion: It was determined that there was a significant relationship between the gender and age of the victim and socio-economic level of his/her family and the type of abuse, except for the cases of disability and parents’ living together. Discussion: In this study, it was determined that some risk factors are related to some types of abuse, and the results were evaluated in terms of possible risk factors.


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Author Biographies

Sezer Ayan, Cumhuriyet University

Assoc. Prof., Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of letters,
Dept of Sociology

Veda Bilican Gökkaya, Cumhuriyet University

Assist. Prof., Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of letters,
Dept of work


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How to Cite

Ayan, S., & Bilican Gökkaya, V. (2018). Child sexual abuse: The relationship between the type of abuse and the risk factors. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(2), 816–822. Retrieved from


