The correlation between right hand finger ratio (2D:4D) and the parameters of anthropometric and physical fitness in children


  • Nebahat Eler Bulent Ecevit University


2D, 4D, anthropometric measurement, physical fitness, children


It is hypothesized that there is a correlation between the ratio of second hand finger to fourth hand finger (2D:4D) which is an indicator of prenatal testosterone and physical fitness and sportive performance The aim of this study was to determined correlation between the right hand finger ratio (2D:4D) and the parameters of anthropometric and physical fitness in male and female children aged between 10 and 12. Six hundred and seventy eight males whose age average was 0.49±1.32 and 592 females whose age average was 10.38 ± 1.48 participated in this study. In addition to taking the students’ right hand 2D:4D, height, weight, triceps, subscapular, full arm and leg measurements, vertical jumping, standing long jump, flexibility, 20 m sprint, 10x5 agility, leg strength, right/left hand grip strength, 20 m shuttle run and balance tests were also performed. Statistically differences were found between anthropometric measurements apart from height and BMI, 2D:4D and physical fitness parameters in the males and females. A negative correlation between right hand 2D:4D and vertical jumping, standing long jump, 20 m sprint, 10x5 agility and right hand grip strength in the males. As for the females, although a negative correlation was detected between right hand 2D:4D and height, a positive correlation was found between the same variable and body fat ratio (p<0.05). It can be concluded that while a low 2D:4D ratio was correlated with static and explosive strength, speed and agility in the males, it was correlated with height and body fat ratio in the females.


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Author Biography

Nebahat Eler, Bulent Ecevit University

Ph.D., School of Physical Education and Sports, Bülent Ecevit University, Zonguldak


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How to Cite

Eler, N. (2018). The correlation between right hand finger ratio (2D:4D) and the parameters of anthropometric and physical fitness in children. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 656–664. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences