Investigation of exam cheating attitudes of university students (Case of Kocaeli University)Investigation of exam cheating attitudes of university students (Case of Kocaeli University)



University, student, cheating, attitude, exam


Exam cheating is one of the biggest problems of the educational system of many different countries, from past to present. This problem is still continuing in many branches of education today. The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of the students of Kocaeli University towards exam cheating. 254 students studying at Kocaeli University voluntarily participated in the research. As a data collection tool, "Attractiveness Attitude Related to Exam Cheating" developed by Semerci (2003) was used. The attitudes of students of Kocaeli University on exam cheating were found to be moderate in the research (205,44±42,51). Although there was no statistically significant difference between the exam cheating attitude scores of university students according to gender, age group & department variables (p>0,05), there was a significant difference according to grade variables (p<0,05). This meaningful difference occurred from preparatory grades - 2nd grades, 2nd grades - 3rd grades and, 2nd grades - 4th grades. Precautions for exam cheating can be increased so that more conscious and well-educated students can be graduated. The courses that will be successful by exam cheating behavior should be emphasized by the relevant faculty members to the student who may need them in professional business life. Disciplinary policies should be implemented to prevent students from exam cheating behavior.


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Author Biographies

Ozlem Keskin, Kocaeli University. Faculty of Sports Sciences

Asst. Prof., Kocaeli University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Recreation Department

Muhammet Eyup Uzuner, Kocaeli University

PhD., Ress. Asst., Kocaeli University, Faculty of Sports Sciences


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How to Cite

Keskin, O., & Uzuner, M. E. (2018). Investigation of exam cheating attitudes of university students (Case of Kocaeli University)Investigation of exam cheating attitudes of university students (Case of Kocaeli University). Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 478–485. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences