Evaluating the vocational thoughts of university students about the departments they are studying


  • Özlem Karakuş University of Selçuk


University students, unemployment, occupation.jhs.v14i3.4696


The aim of this study is to reveal the vocational thoughts of university students about departments they are studying. The sample of the study consists of 1040 students; 608 (60,6%) of them are female, and 396 (39,4%) of them are male students who are studying in the different faculties of the Selçuk University (Health Sciences, Law, Veterinary, Collage of Science, Faculty of Letters, Communication, Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Engineering),and they selectedby random sampling method. The average of age of the students is varying between 19 and 39. The average of age is 22. During the data collection phrase “Demographic Information Form”; during the evaluation of the data frequency polygon is used.

At the end of the study it is detected that 743 (74%) of the students are willingly, and 261 (26%) of the students are unwillingly came to the department they are studying. Also; the uneasiest situation for the students’ future is to not find a job for 492 (49,0%) of them, financial difficulties for 282 (28,1%) of them, mate selection for 230 (22,9%) of them. At the same time, it is confirmed that 679 (67,6%) of the students want to work in public sector, and 325 (32,4%) of them want to work in private sector after graduation. It is seen that 198 (19,7%) of the students define unemployment as not to find a job in public sector, and 806 (80,3%) of them define unemployment as not to earn income. 458 (45,6%) of the students who participated to study are pleased with the employment opportunities, but 546 (54,4%) of them are not. It is detected that students of the departments of Social Work, English Language and Literature, Civil and Mechanical Engineering are pleased with employment opportunities after graduation, but the students of the departments of Statistic, Biology, Chemistry, History of Art, Sociology are not. Also, 395 (39,3%) of the students stated that they think they will be unemployed when they graduated, 609 (60,7%) of them do not think they are going to be an unemployed; departments of Social Work, English Language and Literature, Civil and Mechanical Engineering students stated that they are not going to become unemployed when they graduated,but the students of the departments of Statistic, Biology, Chemistry, History of Art, Sociology stated that they are going to become unemployed.

Most of the university students choose their departments willingly. What makes university students anxious most is being unemployed.  Students want to work in public sector when they graduate. For the unemployment anxiety that students are experiencing, state has to develop new policies related with employment. In order to make students believe that they would find job easily, apart from the departments they enroll in, alternative ways for career development can be provided.


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Author Biography

Özlem Karakuş, University of Selçuk

Associate Prof. Dr. University of Selçuk, Faculty of Health Science, Department of Social Work


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How to Cite

Karakuş, Özlem. (2017). Evaluating the vocational thoughts of university students about the departments they are studying. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(3), 2643–2652. Retrieved from https://www.j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/4696



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