Examining to see elite sight-disabled athletes according to the dimensions of the scale of motivation in sport


  • Hasan Erdem Mumcu Hitit University
  • Mehmet Acet Dumlupinar University
  • Osman Kusan Dumlupinar University
  • Ömer Zambak Dumlupinar University
  • Mustafa Can Koç İstanbul Gelisim University


Disability, Visually İmpaired Motivation, Sport Motivation, Sport Psychology


Made the purpose of this study is to examine to see disabled athletes according to the dimensions of the scale of motivation in sport. The study group is comprised of 168 visually impaired athletes in total, including 51 females and 117 males, identified by the targeted sampling method, between the ages of 15-25, who do sports at elite level. The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) was developed by Pelletier (1995) basing on the Theory of Self Determination by Deci and Ryan (1985). The purpose of SMS is to determine the level of "internal motivation, external motivation and nonmotivation” of the person in the sports environment and to identify the source of motivation of the person (Kazak, 2004). Validity and reliability of the scale for Turkish athletes was studied by Kazak (2004).  In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that to know and succeed and to experience stimuli and identification subdimensions are effective in sports attendance of visually impaired athletes engaged in sports at elite level. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that age, education level and sports branch variables have an impact on tendency for sports. It can be concluded that compared to older athletes, younger athletes have low tendency for sports because of anxiety and embarrassment and are not conscious about why they do sports. It has been concluded that athletes of weight lifting and judo, which have contribution to physical development at the top level, believe the nature of their sports branch contributes more to their physical development and their strength is acknowledged and appreciated by other people.

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Author Biographies

Hasan Erdem Mumcu, Hitit University

Lecturer; Hitit University, College of Physical Education and Sports, Corum, TURKEY

Mehmet Acet, Dumlupinar University

Associate Professor, Dumlupinar University, College of Physical Education and Sports, Kütahya, TURKEY

Osman Kusan, Dumlupinar University

Phd Student, Dumlupinar University, College of Physical Education and Sports, Kütahya, TURKEY

Ömer Zambak, Dumlupinar University

Phd Student, Dumlupinar University, College of Physical Education and Sports, Kütahya, TURKEY

Mustafa Can Koç, İstanbul Gelisim University

Lecturer, İstanbul Gelisim University, Vocational School, Sports Management, ISTANBUL, TURKEY


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How to Cite

Mumcu, H. E., Acet, M., Kusan, O., Zambak, Ömer, & Koç, M. C. (2017). Examining to see elite sight-disabled athletes according to the dimensions of the scale of motivation in sport. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(3), 2590–2600. Retrieved from https://www.j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/4395



Physical Education and Sport Sciences