Cultural discourse embedded in truck scripts


  • Ömer Gökhan Ulum Adana Science and Technology University
  • Erdoğan Bada Çukurova University


Scripts, truck scripts, textual analysis, culture, culture and language


The bond between a driver and his truck has been the subject of many famous films. If not actual adoration of the vehicle, it certainly is the destiny shared between a living human and a running machine, both heading for a common destination. Who and what else can replace this bond? Here, we see the truck bearing decorations, bumper sticks, script, and pictures of animate and inanimate objects all reflecting the taste and psyche of the driver. This study aims to introduce a thematic analysis into this picturesque look of over a thousand trucks with specific focus on scripts borne by trailers based on the assumption that content of scripts would be representing inner worlds of truck drivers. Photographed as well as internet-based data related to vehicles provided the source for this study. Scripts were thematised, and categorized observing nationality of origin of license plates. With its findings, the study yields valuable results regarding values and beliefs truck drivers of different nationalities hold to themselves. A variety of psychological profiles, harboring feelings such as sadness, joy, dejection, rejection, love, disappointments, anger, vengeance, etc., all expressed through scripts was also surfaced in this study.


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Author Biographies

Ömer Gökhan Ulum, Adana Science and Technology University

Lecturer, Adana Science and Technology University, School of Foreign Languages

Erdoğan Bada, Çukurova University

Prof. Dr., Çukurova University, Department of English Language Teaching


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How to Cite

Ulum, Ömer G., & Bada, E. (2016). Cultural discourse embedded in truck scripts. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 4199–4220. Retrieved from


