Self, identity and identity formation: From the perspectives of three major theories


  • Hüseyin Cinoğlu Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı
  • Yusuf Arıkan Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı


Identity, identity formation, social identity theory, identity theory, personal identity theory.


This study revealed that there are three major perspectives in explaining the identity and identity formation. The first one is social identity theory where the founders see the group membership as the driving force for identity formation. The next theory is identity theory, in which the roles that are assigned to individuals are deemed as the major source for energy to identity formation. The last theory talks about the importance of personal values in explaining the identity and identity formation process (personal identity theory). This paper will talk about three of them separately and in the end the need to merge these theories will be stressed.


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Author Biographies

Hüseyin Cinoğlu, Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı

Doç. Dr.

Bölüm Başkanı

Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı

Güvenlik Bilimleri Fakültesi,

Güvenlik Yönetimi Bölüm Başkanlığı,

Gölbaşı, Ankara.

Yusuf Arıkan, Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı

Yrd. Doç. Dr.

Bölüm Başkanı

Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı

Güvenlik Bilimleri Fakültesi,

Zorunlu ve Uygulamalı Dersler Bölüm Başkanlığı,

Gölbaşı, Ankara.


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How to Cite

Cinoğlu, H., & Arıkan, Y. (2012). Self, identity and identity formation: From the perspectives of three major theories. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 1114–1131. Retrieved from



Social Psychology