Sport and nationalism interaction: sports’ place and importance creating national identity


  • Mustafa Yaşar Şahin
  • Fatih Yenel
  • Tekin Çolakoğlu


Sport, nationalism, national identity


The aim of his study, developing nation and national state, legitimation of imperialist policies, developing national independent struggle, searching the interaction of sport and nationalism as a politic and ideologic action effecting in socia-cultural and politic area and also determinig the place and importance of sport.

As a result; the role of sport according to nationalism are; developing states, creating national identity and national rivalry, nationalism that needs politics being a factor in sport competations, sports’ effects in creating social classes and national identities by active and aggressive, powerful masculinity myth incarnation, sports’ being an area of creating people as “ us” and also passing beyond the little inner parts and displacing of itself, having success in sport, reinforce patriotism by defining national sport concepts, national awareness of international sport, establishing  national consciousness, pride and unity, also thinking sport as an instrument of national unity through the miscellaneous groups.         


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Author Biographies

Mustafa Yaşar Şahin

Gazi University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Ankara 

Fatih Yenel

Gazi University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Ankara

Tekin Çolakoğlu

Gazi University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Ankara



How to Cite

Şahin, M. Y., Yenel, F., & Çolakoğlu, T. (2010). Sport and nationalism interaction: sports’ place and importance creating national identity. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 1244–1263. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences