Turkey's tourism policies in the period of planned development


  • Serkan Polat İstanbul Medeniyet University
  • Halil İbrahim Aydınlı Sakarya University


Tourism Policy, Tourism Planning, Five Year Development Dlan, Tourism


The purpose of this study is to investigate the tourism policies of Turkey in the period of planned development which started in 1963. It is a descriptive study in terms of purpose and a qualitative study in terms of data. The data were obtained from secondary sources and analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. According to the five-year development plans and the Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 document, Turkey's tourism policies have been created economically. In particular, the first four plans have often emphasized the economic orientation of tourism and mass tourism. The fifth plan highlighted the diversification of tourism, while the sixth plan highlighted the participation of the local community in tourism. The seventh plan aims to meet the expectations of local people and tourists with a competitive and productive tourism economy. The eighth, ninth and tenth plans have emphasized that the investments paying attention to physical and cultural environment should be supported for spread of tourism all over the country and year. Moreover, in the last three development plans and Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023 document, the participation of different stakeholders in decision mechanisms and focusing on the tourism types generating more tourism revenue policies have been adopted.


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Author Biographies

Serkan Polat, İstanbul Medeniyet University

Asst. Prof., Istanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Tourism

Halil İbrahim Aydınlı, Sakarya University

Prof., Sakarya University, Faculty of Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Polat, S., & Aydınlı, H. İbrahim. (2017). Turkey’s tourism policies in the period of planned development. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3415–3431. Retrieved from https://www.j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/4898


