The evaluation of achievement orientation and academic self-regulation of students studying in Faculties of Sport Sciences


  • Kubilay Çimen Gelişim University


Achievement orientation, academic self-regulation, student


This study aims to evaluate the achievement orientation and academic self-regulation of students studying in Faculties of Sport Sciences according to a number of variables.

1073 students studying in the Departments of Teaching, Sport Management, Coaching and Recreation in the Faculties of Sport Sciences at Gazi University, Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University and Selcuk University participated in this study voluntarily. Volunteers were asked to complete the Socio-Demographic Information Form, Achievement Orientation Scale and Academic Self-Regulation Scale. The Achievement Orientation Scale was created by Elliot and Murayama in 2008 and adapted into Turkish in 2012 by Uçar with the validity and reliability value of .89. The Academic Self-Regulation Scale, on which validity and reliability studies have been carried out, was created by Martinez Pons in 2000, modified by Maclellan and Soden in 2006 and adapted into Turkish by Kaplan in 2014.  Data collected was registered using the IBM SPSS 22 package. Inventories, which contain personal information about participants, were given as frequency (f) or percentage (%) values corresponding to the average score. The data had a non-parametric distribution. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis analyses were used for statistical analysis.

As a result, it is proven that achievement orientation and self-regulation are directly related to the gender, university and department. The reason for this may be the fact that universities and instructors, who aspire to develop students' professional and personal characteristics and increase students' knowledge and awareness, also desire to make students attain individual self-sufficiency by educating them in accordance with students' goals.

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Author Biography

Kubilay Çimen, Gelişim University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Gelişim University, School of Physical Education and Sports


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How to Cite

Çimen, K. (2017). The evaluation of achievement orientation and academic self-regulation of students studying in Faculties of Sport Sciences. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(3), 2616–2627. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences