Analysing the communicative aspect of Turkish minstrelsy tradition and story-telling performance in the frame of multiple intelligences theory


  • Özlem Demren Cumhuriyet University


Folk Literature, Folklore, Story-Telling, Minstrelsy, Folk Story


Oral narratives have an effective educational power in their context and they are among the most important conveyors of collective cultural memory as an eficient communicative tool. Perform an important function and occupy an important place in Turkish society, folk stories and their performative context too have an educational and communicational aspects. In the established communication between the minstrel (âşık/folk story performer/story-teller) and his audience, it is created a cultivation ground for the people who share the environment; perception and intelligence areas of performer and his audience are used effectively. The people who share the performative process of folk story learn to use the areas of multiple intelligence variously and make them efficiently active; and in a sense, they learn to improve the way of thinking in which is spesific to their culture. The important thing is here which intelligence areas are used and being prominence in this process. In the frame of our paper, to understand these process we use the Multiple Intelligences Theory which is improved by Howard Gardner in 1983, as a psychological theory, and it has been used worldwide effectively in the educational area. In this sense, Multiple Intelligences Theory gives us a different perspective to evaluate and understand the educational and communicational aspects of narrative context. In this paper, it will be an interpretation about the performative context of Turkish minstrelsy tradition in an interdisciplinary frame.


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Author Biography

Özlem Demren, Cumhuriyet University

Assist. Prof., Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Folklore


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How to Cite

Demren, Özlem. (2017). Analysing the communicative aspect of Turkish minstrelsy tradition and story-telling performance in the frame of multiple intelligences theory. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(3), 2259–2267. Retrieved from


