The analysis of self-esteem level of the school of physical education and sports students participating in intercollegiate football contests


  • Sihmehmet Yigit Namık Kemal University,
  • Fikret Ramazanoğlu Sakarya University


Physical Education, Sports, Football, Self-esteem.


In this study, it is aimed to analyze self-esteem levels of the male and female students in the School of Physical Education and Sports in different provinces between 2015-2016 years who participated in football contests in Balıkesir University. The sample of the analysis is formed with 76 female and 54 male football players for a total of 130 individuals participated on a voluntary basis, who are students of Physical Education and Sports in different provinces of Turkey.

In this study, individuals have been applied two-part questionnaire. In the first part demographic features and in the second part Cooper Smith Self-Esteem Inventory consisting of 25 items have been used. The obtained data have been recorded in silico by using a packaged software named SPSS 20. On the purpose of testing hypothesis of the study; normality tests, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, credibility analysis, MWU test and Kruskal Wallish H tests have been applied.

As seen in Kruskal Wallis H test table, self-esteem scores do not differ according to age. (p>0, 05). In MWU test result, there is no significant difference between male and females in terms of self-esteem scores. (p>0, 05). Self-esteem scores do not differ according to the alma mater in statistical terms. (p>0, 05). As a result of Krushkal Wallis H test carried out to determine if self-esteem scores differ according to the participants who do sports in different frequency, it is identified that self-esteem scores significantly differ according to frequency of doing sports. (p<0, 05). In order to determine between which groups have difference in question, with Mann Whitney U test; potential all pairwise comparisons have been done and rarely sports doer’s self-esteem scores averages are quite low when compared to the on occasion and regularly doers; it is determined that there is no significant difference in terms of self- esteem scores between participants who do sports in a club and who do not. (p>0, 05).

As a result, individuals studying at Physical Education and Sports schools’ self-esteem scores do not differ from each other according to their ages, gender, doing sports in clubs but differ according to frequency of doing sports. Physical education and sports’ being positive provides a chance to get closer to self-esteem concept. It is taught that it is important in terms of determination of self-esteem levels.


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Author Biographies

Sihmehmet Yigit, Namık Kemal University,

Lecturer, Namık Kemal University, Physical Education and Sports Department

Fikret Ramazanoğlu, Sakarya University

Associate Professor, Sakarya University, Faculty of Sports Sciences


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How to Cite

Yigit, S., & Ramazanoğlu, F. (2016). The analysis of self-esteem level of the school of physical education and sports students participating in intercollegiate football contests. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 5587–5594. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences