Abortion policies around the world and in Turkey and its reflection on women’s health


  • Yılda Arzu Aba Istanbul Aydın University
  • Gökhan Aba Istanbul Aydın University
  • Şirin Özkan Kocaeli The Association of Public Hospitals
  • Yılmaz Güzel Istanbul Aydın University


Discretionary/Voluntary Abortion, Policies, Woman Health


Approximately 46 million women experience abortion all around the world every year and about 22 million of those being done in precarious conditions. 13 % of the maternal mortality is associated with unsafe abortion practices. Every year near 5 million women are hospitalized because of unsafe abortion. The cost for treatment of the complications related to unsafe abortion is estimated to be 680 million dollars annually. Two third of the maternal mortality occurs in African countries and when these rates are thoroughly analysed it can be seen that African and Asian countries’ law limit abortion practices. In the developed countries where discretionary abortion is not legally limited, maternal mortality rates stay under 1 %, on the other hand, abortion limited/banned countries show the highest rates.


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Author Biographies

Yılda Arzu Aba, Istanbul Aydın University

Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Health Science, Nursing Department, Istanbul,

Gökhan Aba, Istanbul Aydın University

Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Health Science, Health Management Department, Istanbul

Şirin Özkan, Kocaeli The Association of Public Hospitals

Ph.D., Kocaeli The Association of Public Hospitals, Kocaeli

Yılmaz Güzel, Istanbul Aydın University

Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Health Science, Nursing Department, Istanbul


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How to Cite

Aba, Y. A., Aba, G., Özkan, Şirin, & Güzel, Y. (2016). Abortion policies around the world and in Turkey and its reflection on women’s health. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 1651–1665. Retrieved from https://www.j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/3580



Nursing and Midwifery