The effect of leadership charisma, engagement and group belonging on volunteer work performance: AKUT search and rescue association<p>Liderlik karizması, adanmışlık ve gruba aidiyetin gönüllü çalışma performansına etkileri: AKUT arama kurtarma derneği örneği


  • Ebru Caymaz Marmara University
  • Fahri Erenel Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
  • Burak Gürer Abant Izzet Baysal University


voluntary working performace, belonging to group, commitment, leadership charisma, normative organizations, gönüllü çalışma performansı, gruba aidiyet, işe adanmışlık, liderlik karizması, normatif organizasyonlar



Leadership charisma, has been emphasized in terms of performance improvement by inspiring organization’s values and norms and making employees spend extra effort for oganization’s objectives especially in hospitals and voluntary organizations (Choi, 2006; Etzioni, 1975; Grojean vd., 2004; Pillai ve Meindl, 1998; Shamir vd., 1993; Sims ve Brinkmann, 2002; Yammarino vd., 1993). In previous studies emphasis was usually on the effects of leadership charisma on work performance. Studies in Turkey have not examined  the relationship between work performance, leadership charisma, group belonging and engagement of volunteer employees. The aim of this study is to suggest that; for volunteer employees in normative organizations, group belonging and work engagement is more effective than leadership charisma in terms of work performance. In this respect it might be related to discussions that effective leadership which improves employees’ performance and capabilities (Yukl, 2006). This study has taken place in AKUT search and rescue association which operates totally voluntarily in 32 different regions and the findings of hierarchical regression analysis support the hypotheses put forward.



Liderlik karizması, özellikle hastaneler ve gönüllü kuruluşlarda, kurumun değer ve normlarını aşılamak, çalışanların kurumun hedeflerine yönelik ekstra çaba sarf etmelerini sağlamak kaydıyla performansı arttırmak açısından önemle üzerinde durulan bir konudur (Choi, 2006; Etzioni, 1975; Grojean vd., 2004; Pillai ve Meindl, 1998; Shamir vd., 1993; Sims ve Brinkmann, 2002; Yammarino vd., 1993). Daha önce yapılan araştırmalarda genellikle liderlik karizmasının çalışma performansına etkileri üzerinde durulmuştur. Türkiye’de yapılan çalışmalarda ise tamamen gönüllü çalışan bireylerin çalışma performansı ile liderlik karizması, gruba aidiyet ve adanmışlık kavramları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmediği görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; özellikle normatif organizasyonlarda, gruba aidiyet ve işe adanmışlık kavramlarının, gönüllü olarak çalışanların çalışma performansı üzerinde liderlik karizmasından daha etkin olduğunu ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışma, tamamen gönüllü olarak 32 farklı bölgede faaliyet gösteren ve 1500 gönüllüsü bulunan AKUT Arama Kurtarma Derneği’nde yapılmış ve elde edilen verilere yapılan hiyerarşik regresyon analizinin sonuçları, çalışmada yer alan hipotezleri desteklemiştir.


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Author Biographies

Ebru Caymaz, Marmara University

Ebru Caymaz, PhD student,

She was born in Istanbul, in 1985. She studied American Culture and Literature at Istanbul University between 2004 and 2009. She studied Defense Resources Management at Strategic Researches Institute within Turkish War Colleges (between 2010-2012) and received her master's degree in 2012. In 2012 she has started the PhD program at Marmara University, Management and Organization Department.

Fahri Erenel, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University

Fahri Erenel, Assistant Proffessor,

He was born in 1959, Istanbul.
He studied Economics at Turkish Military College and graduated in 1980. In 1991, he graduated from International Relations and National Security Department, Turkish Military Academy. He studied Education Management and Control at Beykent University and had his master's degree in 2005. Later he studied Human Resources Management at Istanbul University and received doctorate degree in 2006. He worked as the General Secretary at Istanbul Kemerburgaz University. He still works at the same university at the Department of International Logistics.

Burak Gürer, Abant Izzet Baysal University

Burak Gürer, Dr.

He was born in 1974, in Gaziantep. He studied Physical Education and Sports at Gaziantep University between 1997-2001. Later, he studied at the Graduate School of Health Sciences at the same university and received his master's degree in 2005. In 2012, he graduated from the Department of Sports Management, Abant Izzet Baysal University and received his PhD degree.


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How to Cite

Caymaz, E., Erenel, F., & Gürer, B. (2013). The effect of leadership charisma, engagement and group belonging on volunteer work performance: AKUT search and rescue association&lt;p&gt;Liderlik karizması, adanmışlık ve gruba aidiyetin gönüllü çalışma performansına etkileri: AKUT arama kurtarma derneği örneği. Journal of Human Sciences, 10(1), 129–147. Retrieved from



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