Kurban (sacrifice) tradition in Western Thracian Turks


  • Füsun Aşkar


Tradition, Western Thracian Turks, Sacrifice Festival


This article is prepared within 04-DPT-007 the Project of Preparing Museum and Archive on Folk Music Instruments, Folk Dances, Traditional Clothes and Folk Music in Anatolia and the Balkans started with the research of Ege University State Turkish Music Conservatory, Turkish Folk Dance Department in Macedonia on 18 April 2004.

In the Greece trip within the project, on-site monitoring works have been conducted in the villages where Western Thracian Turks that are taken under research live in Komotini and Xanthi and as a result of these works it is seen that traditions that can be expressed as the facts of cultural remnants from past to present that have still maintained through cultural sanctions have maintained even with different applications.

One of the traditions of Western Thracian Turks, Kurban (Sacrifice) Tradition attracts attention as a tradition reflects acting collectively and union of forces and a tradition based on cooperation. In this article, this tradition that has still continued to maintain is going to be handled.


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Author Biography

Füsun Aşkar

I was born in 1971 in Izmir. I completed my primary and secondary education in Izmir. I have graduated from Ege University State Turkish Music Conservatory, Turkish Folk Dance Department in 1994 ranking first. I got my master’s degree from Ege University Institute of Social Sciences with my thesis titled “The Examination and Evaluation of the Folk Dance Competitions in Turkey According to Institutions”. I entitled to join the doctorate program of Institute of Social Sciences, Public Relations and Promotion Department in 2003. I completed my doctorate education in 2010 with my thesis titled: “The Artistic Image in the International Promotion of Turkey: The Case Study of Fire of Anatolia (Anadolu Ateşi).

I have continued to work as teaching assistant in Ege University State Turkish Music Conservatory, Turkish Folk Dance Department since 2008 where I started to work as research assistant in 1995.

Field of Study: Folklore, Communication, Artistic Communication, Stage Arts (Dance),  Choreography, Make-up and Music.



How to Cite

Aşkar, F. (2011). Kurban (sacrifice) tradition in Western Thracian Turks. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(2), 444–454. Retrieved from https://www.j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/1915


